The Current Therapeutic and Vaccine Pipeline of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a menace to human life worldwide. This has triggered the thrust for the develop-ment of effective therapeutics and vaccines based on varied strategies. The trend for the repurposing of approved molecules or those already in the clinical stage of development for other indications has been currently explored to facilitate speedy identification of safe and effective drugs. Passive immunization through use of monoclonal antibod-ies and convalescent plasma therapy has been an investigational treatment from our previous knowledge of SARS and MERS. The landscape for vaccine development represents several novel agents based on diverse technologies that have already entered into fast track clinical trials. A new paradigm for identifying safe and immunogenic vac-cines may be achieved through adaptive development and innovative regulatory process to address the unmet need in a short span compared to the conventional timeframe. This article aims to consolidate the status of the therapeu-tics and vaccines in the developmental pipeline for COVID-19.

Key words: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Vaccine development.

Author(s): Asama Mukherjee
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 94-99