
Sports and Social Capital: A Qualitative Study on Women Athletes with Disabilities

Author(s): Debpriya Adhikary, Anusheela Brahmachary, Abhirupa Kar, Disha Musaddi and Shuvojit Moulik
Volume: 1 Issue: 4 Pages: 1-12

ABSTRACT Social capital enhances the flow of resources to individuals via formal and informal network and social support. Over the last two decades, social capital has been employed at exploring the processes that makes a conducive and secure community – for fostering different identities and behaviors . About 44 percent of the disabled community in […]

Sports and Social Capital: A Qualitative Study on Women Athletes with Disabilities Read More »

Assessing the factors motivating Agricultural Teachers towards exposing their students to Agricultural Production as Source of Livelihood; Case study of Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria

Author(s): Adesokan FB, Odetola EF, Adediji OM, Adeniyi BJ, Faleye OS
Volume: 1 Issue: Special-1 Pages: 1-14

ABSTRACT The importance of agricultural production to Nigeria’s economy cannot be overemphasized. Several researchers have proposed various techniques towards quantifying the effects of agricultural production on our economy, but the factors motivating agricultural teachers into exposing young students to the practical aspect of agricultural production has not been discussed. To address this, this research assessed

Assessing the factors motivating Agricultural Teachers towards exposing their students to Agricultural Production as Source of Livelihood; Case study of Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria Read More »

Review of Dincharya as Nidan of Pandu Roga

Author(s): Snehal Rane, Reshma Shah and Deepak Dobade
Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Pages: 1-5

ABSTRACT “Pandu” Vyadhi is described in Ayurveda, having many clinical features similar to different types of anemia as mentioned in Modern text.”Pandu” means a white colour mixed with yellowish Tinge as mentioned in Amarakosha . According to Charaka Samhita- In this disease the skin ofpatient isdiscoloured as Pandu or like haridra or greenish tinge. According

Review of Dincharya as Nidan of Pandu Roga Read More »

The Current Therapeutic and Vaccine Pipeline of COVID-19

Author(s): Asama Mukherjee
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 94-99

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a menace to human life worldwide. This has triggered the thrust for the develop-ment of effective therapeutics and vaccines based on varied strategies. The trend for the repurposing of approved molecules or those already in the clinical stage of development for other indications has been currently explored to facilitate

The Current Therapeutic and Vaccine Pipeline of COVID-19 Read More »

Combination Approach of Hyperthermia and Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment- A Brief Review

Author(s): Sayantani Karmakar and Siddikuzzaman
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 86-93

Abstract Cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide. The key therapeutic modalities to treat cancer include chemo-therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, immuno-therapy and combination therapy. A number of chemical agents target DNA; they cause breaks, intercalation and cross-links to damage DNA thereby inhibiting cell proliferation. Cisplatin and taxol based chemotherapies are still the

Combination Approach of Hyperthermia and Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment- A Brief Review Read More »

The COVID-19 Pandemic

Author(s): Jadab Chandra Chattopadhyay
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 81-85

Abstract Recent COVID-19 pandemic has caused the greatest crisis in human civilisation worldwide. Initially started in Wuhan, China it has gradually spread all over the world due to the time taken by the people to understand the seriousness of the disease. Initial symptoms are unremarkable and typical of upper respiratory tract viral infection, followed by

The COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

Resolution Revolutions on the Cryo-EM Structures of Ribosome- A Study: 1981-2018

Author(s): Arita Acharjee, Ananya Chatterjee
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 64-80

Abstract Ribosomes are large ribonucleoprotein complexes that have been proved to be ideal biological sample for the development of the cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) field. On the other hand, advancement in cryo-EM technologies have helped in elucidating detailed structure-function aspects of various kinds of ribosomes, belonging to prokaryotic, organellar, and complex eukaryotic systems. In a relatively

Resolution Revolutions on the Cryo-EM Structures of Ribosome- A Study: 1981-2018 Read More »

Structural Bioinformatics Predicts Large Intrinsically Disordered Regions of Erythrocyte Binding-Like Proteins of Plasmodium sp.: Functional Implications

Author(s): Arita Acharjee
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 41-63

Abstract The Erythrocyte Binding Ligand (EBL) is an important protein of Plasmodium sp. required by the parasite for successful invasion into the red blood cells causing malaria. EBL is a potential anti-malarial drug target. Despite its importance only a portion of its structure i.e., Duffy Binding Domain (DBD), is solved. Thus, the remaining regions necessitate

Structural Bioinformatics Predicts Large Intrinsically Disordered Regions of Erythrocyte Binding-Like Proteins of Plasmodium sp.: Functional Implications Read More »

Why Mothers Kiss Their Babies? — Does Immune System Play as a Protective Receptor of Chemical Determinants Involved in Mother-Infant Bonding?

Author(s): Sk Tofajjen Hossain, Subhasis Barik
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 38-40

Abstract Mother-child bonding is not confined to human beings, rather all living animals show baby love. It is quite interesting to intervene in the mechanisms or causative factors of this affection and its consequences. In this article, we attempt to delineate that the chemical factors could be responsible for the affection or aggressiveness which ultimately

Why Mothers Kiss Their Babies? — Does Immune System Play as a Protective Receptor of Chemical Determinants Involved in Mother-Infant Bonding? Read More »

A Short Term Review of Congenital Birth Defects at a Tertiary Care Hospital in the Eastern Region of Nepal

Author(s): Ramesh Shrestha, Madan Khadka, Sanyukta Rajbhandary, Anamika Das, Sapana Shrestha, Jyoti Agrawal
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 30-37

Abstract Introduction: Birth defect refers to any abnormality of physical structure or form or function of prenatal origin, whether genetic or not, which is present at birth. Congenital birth defect is one of the causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality especially in developed countries. Studies of congenital birth defects are useful to establish baseline data,

A Short Term Review of Congenital Birth Defects at a Tertiary Care Hospital in the Eastern Region of Nepal Read More »