Lumbar radiculopathy refers to irritation or compression of spinal nerve roots in the lower back. This condition produces discomfort, weakness, numbness, or tingling that spreads from the lower back to the buttocks, thighs, and sometimes the legs and foot. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of motor control exercises on sciatic nerve mechanical sensitivity, erector spine and quadratus lumborum thickness, and abdominal endurance in individuals with lumbar radiculopathy. Thirty-two patients were randomly recruited from SGT Hospital, Gurugram’s Physiotherapy OPD based on the inclusion criteria. The experimental group was given motor control exercises, while the control group received normal exercises. Mechanical sensitivity of sciatic nerve, abdominal endurance and Muscle thickness of erector spinae and Quadratus lumborum was measured. The result showed significant improvement in thickness of quadratus lumborum, abdominal endurance and mechanical sensitivity of sciatic nerve.
Keywords: Abdominal Endurance, Diagnostic Ultrasonography, Lumbar Radiculopathy, Mechanical Sensitivity, Motor Control Exercise, Straight Leg Raise