Investigating the Depiction of Informal Mentoring Relationship between Two Fictional School Teachers in Rita TV Series: A Conversation Analysis Approach

The purpose of this study is to identify the qualities of both the mentor and the mentee teacher in an informal mentoring relationship, their roles and responsibilities to each other, and the dynamics of the relationship. This study employs the instrument developed by Dobrosovestnova and team. to assess the informal mentoring relationship between two fictional characters, Rita and Hjordis, who serve as mentor and mentee teachers in the Rita TV Show, respectively. Drawing upon the theory of conversation analysis in movies as a tool to express and understand the reality of society, a qualitative research method was employed to identify the intents of each character, project labels in the relationship, and phases of the relationship. These identifications were used as predictors of the skills of a mentor and mentee teacher, their roles and responsibilities towards each other, and their stages of relationship. The result showed that the fictional mentor and mentee teachers demonstrated the required personal and professional skills needed for the relationship and that the symbiotic relationship helped both actors meet each other’s career goals (training, guidance, induction) and personal goals (bonding, gifting). Also, it was revealed that the plot of the show corroborated and established the phase order of initiation, cultivation, separation, and redefinition, in which the first two stages are considered to be the most beneficial stages for the mentee. This suggests that early-career and experienced teachers can use the show as a reflective tool to construct and enhance their professional knowledge of mentoring.
Keywords: Informal mentoring, School teacher, Rita, Conversation analysis, TV series.

Author(s): Olusiji Adebola Lasekan* , Claudia Myrna Méndez Alarcón, Parimala Kamatar
Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 387-404