Elimination of Open Defecation Through Community-Based Action Research Study In North Sumatra

Open defecation still remains a global problem in developing countries. WHO has a target to eliminate the incidence of diarrhea by 2025. The prevalence of diarrhea in Indonesia in 2020 was 9.8%, cases in Kutalimbaru village were 18.39%. Environmental sanitation, including the presence of latrines, is a significant factor contributing to diarrhea. Open defecation because latrines are not available causes river water that is used as a source of drinking water to be polluted. The aim of this research was to assess health problems related to diarrhea experienced by the community. To obtain prevalence/ proposed open defecation and diarrhea, among communities in Kutalimbaru North Sumatera. This type of research was a mixed method through data collection of 406 heads of families out of 907 heads of families as a population using simple random numbers. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire containing socio-economic conditions, basic sanitation including waste water disposal, waste, ownership and the condition of latrines, clean water and drinking water. The results of data recapitulation found 4 existing problems. Determining the priority of the problem using the CARL method and deciding on the problem of latrine availability as a priority. Community engagement was carried out through education regarding the environmental problems they face, as well as building latrines in a mutual cooperation manner using a latrine social gathering system requiring Rp. 5,261,000 to build a healthy toilet. The implementation of community engagement is beneficial for the community to have healthy latrines and reduce the incidence of diarrhea.
Keywords: Community Engagement, Diarrhea, Latrine, Open Defecation.

Author(s): Ida Yustina, Umi Salmah, Evi Naria, Sri Malem Indirawati*, Etti Sudaryati
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Pages: 291-300
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.05i04.01657