Effectiveness of Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine in Cases of Urolithiasis: A Prospective Interventional Pre-Post Clinical Trial

Urolithiasis is a result of dehydration, low urine volume or increased excretion of minerals such as calcium, oxalate, etc. It affects approximately 12-15% of the global population, commonly affects third decade of age with predominant male gender incidence. Though considerable advances have happened in the surgical treatment of stone-forming individuals
to prevent recurrence, medicinal treatment still requires improvement. This study aimed to assess the role of homoeopathic medicines in management renal colic, dysuria in patients of urolithiasis as well as in reduction of number of stones in urinary tract. In this study male predominance (74.69%) was seen with mean age 37.28 ± 12.525 years. Also, the association of increased body mass index as risk for occurrence of urolithiasis was seen as the 52.04% patients of urolithiasis. In this study frequently indicated medicines were Lycopodium clavatum, Nux vomica, and Apis mel. IHM Calcarea carb and Sarsaparilla has shown effective results by achieving stone free status. This study concludes that individualized homoeopathic medicines were found effective in significantly reducing renal colic and dysuria and around 50% patients achieved stone free-state during treatment.
Keywords: Clinical trial, Dysuria, Homoeopathic medicine, Renal colic, Urolithiasis.

Author(s): Yashasvi Shakdvipiya*, Mushtaq Ahmed Mhaishale, Gaurav Nagar
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 123-130
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i03.01141