Blockchain-based File Sharing System – A Hybrid Approach

File sharing has become a common practice in our daily lives, but there are many concerns regarding security and privacy for various reasons. To address these concerns, researchers are exploring different storage and sharing options. Blockchain technology, with its decentralized and immutable nature, provides an appealing solution. The proposed hybrid file-sharing system offers a unique approach to combining the benefits of centralized user management and decentralized storage. By utilizing Ethereum smart contracts for access control, the system ensures secure and transparent sharing of files. Moreover, using the Inter Planetary File System for decentralized storage ensures high availability and scalability. This concept attempts to solve the accessibility, privacy, and security issues related to centralized and decentralized systems by utilizing the advantages of both models. The centralized system will help manage user authentication and authorization, making it easier for individuals unfamiliar with blockchain technology to interact with the system. On the other hand, IPFS provides decentralized storage with data redundancy and reliability. Access control is implemented through Ethereum smart contracts, which restrict file access to unauthorized users. Overall, this paper demonstrates how blockchain technology, with a hybrid model, can create a user-friendly, secure file-sharing environment immune to common vulnerabilities in centralized systems.
Keywords: Blockchain, Decentralized and Centralized, Ethereum, File-Sharing, IPFS.

Author(s): Ritik Tiwari, Viswanathan V*, Rajarajeswari S
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 1086-1095