Alignment analysis refers to the degree of alignment between the content or objectives of a curriculum and the assessments or standards to evaluate students’ learning. In general, it is recorded and examined as Curriculum Alignment in various educational contexts. The present paper explores level of alignment in physics curriculum based on knowledge, understanding, application, and skills towards attitudinal areas of learning Physics. 481 Higher Secondary learners were made respondents for collecting Attitude data using ATSS-MS scale from Physics learners using descriptive method. The data was normally distributed. Standard alignment was tabulated using blueprint from the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM) syllabus of Physics. The alignment was calculated between attitudes of learning Physics and the domains of knowledge, understanding, application and skills. It was found that there was no alignment with application domain; negative alignment with understanding; positive alignment with skills domain, and there were significant differences in the alignment of knowledge domain. Attitude like change of opinion after getting evidence and respect for others’ views were found to be significantly different and concluded with the view that the existing Physics curriculum for Higher Secondary stage was found to be unfavourable with the attitudes of learning Physics. It was also observed that Physics learning was less activity oriented, but more into literature reading, inadequate practical experience, etc., which is boring and doesn’t involve problem-solving giving space to negative attitude.
Keywords: Alignment, Attitude, Physics, Curriculum, Secondary.