A Logistic Regression Analysis for Problems Faced by the Farmers in Sambalpur

The primary objective of this paper is to recognize the issues facing farmers in the agriculture industry. Food things are the most great to guarantee the quality of life. Logistic regression is a suitable analytical technique for this kind of study, since it can be applied to investigate the variables influencing Sambalpur farmers and identify the causes of the issues they face. According to the results, a subset of the model’s variables is determined to have the biggest impact on a farmer’s decision to continue using their traditional farming methods. Production-related problems, a manpower shortage, a lack of pesticides and fertiliser, a lack of technical know-how, poor irrigation infrastructure, a lack of marketing resources, and technology and equipment and machinery related to marketing, financial concerns, and a lack of soil fertility problems are some of these variables. The factors including some issues of farmers have encountered with production, marketing, and financing. This study contributes to the encouragement of farmers to enhance productivity and generate more items. It was decided that an intriguing report with pertinent details would be appropriate to investigate the locations. Using a meeting schedule that was specifically created for the purpose, the necessary information was obtained from the farmers. The utmost care was made to provide crucial clarifications in colloquial language so that the respondents may react as accurately and unequivocally as possible.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farmer, Farming Problems, Logistic Regression, Odds Ratio

Author(s): Nirupama Sahoo*
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Pages: 768-774
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i04.01392