Developing Performing Arts Based on SDGs as Learning Media to Stimulate Environmental Awareness in Elementary School Students

Teachers’ limited knowledge in integrating environmental education into learning, as well as the lack of learning media that use performing arts with environmental literacy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), have an impact on the low environmental awareness among elementary school students. The findings of this research are expected to increase environmental awareness in elementary school students; therefore, this research was conducted to find out the steps for developing learning media in the form of SDGs-based performing arts, the form of SDGs-based performing arts for elementary school students, as well as the responses of students, teachers, and prospective elementary school teachers about the developed performing arts-based learning media. This research utilizes both qualitative and quantitative data for analysis. The method used in this research is design and development (D&D), referring to the PPE development model (Planning, Production, and Evaluation). The result of this research is an SDGs-based performance art featuring a pianica orchestra and dance performance supported by costumes and props that visualize various alternative energy sources. This performance art receives a positive response from students, teachers, and prospective elementary school teachers as the audience because it is considered capable of combining music performances, dance movements, props, and costumes harmoniously and can communicate about environmental issues easily and enjoyably. It can be concluded that integrating art in environmental education can create a more engaging and immersive learning experience, increasing students’ environmental awareness and encouraging them to develop pro-environmental behavior.
Keywords: Elementary School, Learning Media, Performance Art, SDG’s.

Author(s): Non Dwishiera Cahya Anasta*, Ari Arasy Magistra, Ira Rengganis, Mela Darmayanti, Sendi Fauzi Giwangsa, Neni Maulidah
Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 1212-1224