Si Raca App in Quantum Learning, Is It Effective to be Implemented in Early Reading Material for Primary School?

There are various learning applications on the Play Store to facilitate students’ learning process. The application can contain learning materials of making alphabets sounds, alphabet tracing, and reading. One of it which can be utilized to teach early reading skill is Si Raca app. This study aims to investigate the integration of Si Raca app in quantum learning and its effectiveness in early reading materials for primary school. This study is quantitative research in form of quasi-experimental study that implements non-equivalent control group design. The participants are first grade students of primary schools. Test is utilized as research instrument. This study involves experimental and control groups. The experimental group utilizes Si Raca App in quantum learning which implements TANDUR technique. It stands for Tanamkan, Alami, Namai, Demonstrasikan, Ulangi, and Rayakan (Instilling, Experiencing, Labeling, Demonstrating, Repeating, and Celebrating). The control group does not utilize Si Raca App in quantum learning. Results of this study show that Si Raca app can be integrate into quantum learning because it can be collaborated with educational technology. Moreover, Si Raca app is effective to be implemented in quantum learning for early reading materials. It can be concluded that the integration of Si Raca app into quantum learning creates new learning syntax.
Keywords: Early Reading, Primary School, Quantum Learning, Si Raca App

Author(s): Cahyo Hasanudin*, Ayu Fitrianingsih, Ida Zulaeha, Nofia Fitriyana, Kundharu Saddhono
Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 383-394