Exploratory Bibliometric Analysis on Geopolitical Risk

Geopolitical Risk is the risk associated with war threat, terrorist attacks and the escalated events which can influence international relations and other political factors. This paper resorted bibliometric analysis to investigate the research trend in the area of geopolitical risk, which helps in identifying the prominent authors, most globally cited documents, international collaboration, important research areas associated with geopolitical risk. China is the country which leads publication in geopolitical risk followed by Turkey, India, UK and USA in the selected study period. GPR studies are more associated with risk assessment, commerce, investments, cost analysis, climate change, economic effects and sustainable development. A systematic literature review on available documents is performed using ‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis’ (PRISMA) guidelines to find out its impact on financial market and macroeconomic variables. Out of the 810 articles found after applying filters, articles satisfying the objective were selected for review purpose. Oil market is the most explored market when it comes to assessing impact of GPR. TVP-VAR model is followed by majority of the researchers to find out the time varying relationship among the variables. From the analysis it is understood that the field of geopolitical risk is receiving much attention among the financial market researchers.
Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis, Biblioshiny, Financial Market, Geopolitical Risk, Macroeconomic Variables, PRISMA.

Author(s): Aiswarya S, Muthumeenakshi M*
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Pages: 1180-1197
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i04.01652