Influence of Hovard Gardner’s Linguistic Intelligence on Effective Communication

Intelligence differs to different people. This study intended to know if any relation or influence between verbal and linguistic intelligence and effective communication from Multiple intelligence theory and Managerial Competency concept respectively. The analysis focused among IT professionals to find the relation between this through the theoretical framework. Two hundred samples were collected and analysed which realized that there is significant influence/relation between verbal and linguistic intelligence and effective communication of information technology professionals. Most the previous studies targeted the student to improve their studies, but this study focused on adults’ multiple intelligence. The study found that multiple intelligence remains stable at the mature stage of a person. Adopting these methodologies will help the recruitment and training process more efficient and sharper to the corporate organizations.
Keywords: Communication, Competency, Human Resources, Intelligence, Psychology.

Author(s): Pratheesh Thomas*, Syed Khalid Perwez
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Pages: 691-698